Fellefan's Profile Comments

I came across your art on chicken smoothie and just gotta say your art is really really nice<3

oh thank you very much :'D though I don't upload a lot of my own art here, I mostly use TH to store other people's art haha

unsure if you remember me but hiii , its icheshers/dream/ect XD unsure which you knew me by , how are you!!! i hope ur well its been years since we last talked

woOOT I know all of those names, hello! hai! I remember you :'D (sorry late reply, I don't check on TH often pff) man it sure has been a while, I'm doing alright, hope you're ok too! 

YEAH im amazed i found you on here UHGDSUHG i saw a random character on the page and saw "fellefan" and was like...wait a second ,no way KLNGDSLKNG, its nice to be back in touch with u im glad ur doing alright >:3c im doing the best i can as well XD

waait, you even found me at random?! wooot that's crazy ;o; what are the odds of that!

YEAH I KNOW I WAS LIKE OMG SMALL WORLD LGKSDNG im just happy to be in contact with u again ^^ if you want you can join my discord server or something its the only place im rlly active otehr than here and twitter !! https://discord.gg/HEzdsZSD