The Last Hope (name can be changed later), is an post-apocalyptic story where humans encountered a virus under the ice of the north pole. The virus was studied and used in animals. The scientists discovered the virus creates a symbiosis relationship with the host. The majority of the host become stronger, aggresive and impulsive, just wanting to fill their hunger and thirst. But some few individuals, very compatible with the virus, become more powerful, mutating their forms to adapt to their ambient, with enhanced senses and in some cases with unusual abilities. Scientist created, with the help pf parts of the virus cell, a substance named INANI, that mutates the animal brain to be more intelligent, very similar of a human one. This way animals like dogs and cats become able to talk and think like a human would. One night some hosts escaped from the human laboratory and from there humanity started to decay. Almost all humans died from the virus, some become mutants and some went underground to try to survive. The few humans left had the idea to gave orders to the dogs and cats to clean the surface of the infection. Many of these animals were trained to be like militars and started to eliminate infected creatures in the surface but they were in great disadvantage. Humans created a controlled version of the virus to mutate some animals, so they could have more chance of survival fighting the wild infected ones. Humans military created in the same time all kinds of weapons, objects and gadgets to help their animal soldiers to fight. By this time just a few humans are left and they left the animals to do their jobs while they concentrate to save the human species. The military bunkers become full of canine and feline units, they can organize, create and survive without the interferance of humans.

feral male female white red wolf canine Feral black vampire wolf grey Canine Infected Dog Squad 22 blue adopt Male winged orange