Past The Bushes

Contains characters that currently are or have once been in the server Past the Bushes. A semi-literate text roleplay. 

It has now been ten moons since the truce was put into place, after OndingClan had tried to stake a claim on the sacred Mooncreek, fought off by EchoClan and BrookClan. Losses are to be mourned still, but perhaps it is time for a new era for the Clans. The story is to be guided by you, enter the first arc now and place your paw in this new world awaiting you...

⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☽⋅ What we offer ⋅☾∘∙⊱⋅•⋅

- Open high ranks to fill.
- A custom map with detailed parts of the territory!-Custom Clans with custom lore and roles, to be updated with your additions!-A detailed history to dive in.
-An easy verification process.
-A casual roleplay experience for both new and experienced.
-A member-guided story, for you to write and bring to life! You influence the RP!
-LGBT+ friendly!

Join the server here!