Spirit Guides ♡

They say if you ever want to cast a curse, you must know the spell that summons a cursebound spirit. There are only seven cursebound spirits the world over, so you must be both powerful and cunning in order to motivate one of them to do your bidding.

Raven, a cursebound spirit, has been beholden to the whims of dark sorcerers all their life. But somehow, by some fluke or perhaps a mistake, one day, they began to wake up…. and develop a will of their own. It might have something to do with the tutelary spirit of the fireflies, whom they soon come to call their best friend. And it all happens just in time for the two of them to run into a mage who calls himself Orion, and find out that he is searching for a cure to his curse.

Shenanigans afoot.

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