Lost Coast Clans

Loast Coast Clans

✣ In a remote area of northern California known as the Lost Coast, three Clans have lived and thrived for generations: MeadowClan, inhabitants of the windswept coastal prairies, keepers of diverse knowledge and unravellers of mysteries; WaveClan, inhabitants of the beaches and coastal cliffs, eager singers and explorers of many storied histories and artifacts; and MarshClan, inhabitants of the tidal salt marshes, swashbuckling seekers of joyous challenges and beautiful individuality.

While the Coast has provided for them for innumerable moons, the most recent storm season has put a strain on all of the Clans, the weather causing herb and prey shortages and bringing about the deaths of many cats across the three Clans. With the storm season now passed and the dry season setting in, the Clans are struggling to recover. Tensions rise between the three Clans due to lack of resources. In the midst of this, many predators have been displaced by the storms and are now wandering the Lost Coast in higher volume – and some of them seem to be... not quite right.