


2 years, 4 months ago


32 Moons

Coastcall is a large, thick-furred brown tabby tom with copper eyes; he has a hole in his right ear where a piercing would go. He smells of cypress trees, coyote mint, and deer grass.

Coastcall is arguably one of the most charming cats in his Clan. He’s the owner of quite the silver tongue and is easily able to talk his way out of sticky situations into more desirable ones — which, to him, involve pretty cats that he can spend his time with. He has a talent for thinking on his paws and acting under pressure, and to add to that, a talent for lying. He doesn’t stumble over his paws to come up with something obviously fake; rather, he speaks like it’s the undeniable truth, and whatever he says is reasonable enough to be believed. For all that he has these talents, though, he doesn’t like having to use them: he prefers to keep himself safe, even if he is sometimes called upon by his Clan to insert himself into dangerous situations. All the same, he has a very strong sense of self-preservation. He wouldn’t call himself a coward by any means, just that he actually happens to listen to his common sense (unlike some cats).

He’s a suave cat that easily worms his way into the hearts of others, but he never has the intention of being their mate or ever having anything more serious than flings with them, no matter what the other has in mind. Really, he doesn’t care much about the cat in question at all; though, in general, unless a cat is close to him and he knows them well, he couldn’t give less of a shit about them (unless they have something to offer him). This, of course, can lead to broken hearts being left in his wake, which is something he really doesn’t care that much about. The only reason he’d come to care about someone he flirts with is if they happen to have his kits — in which case he’d play the part of a doting mate to make sure that they were born healthy.

If there’s one thing in the world that Coastcall cares about, it’s his kits. As opposed to anyone he’s flirting with, any compliments he gives them are completely genuine and he loves to spend time with them. His kits are most certainly the center of his world and if they ask something of him, he’ll do his best to do it. However, he doesn’t make the best father; his heart-breaking ways don’t always allow for him to be the most present parent, and he also tends to forget about things relating to his kits in his other pursuits. Still, he puts in the effort to be a good father and he really does love his kits. If he had it his way he’d be allowed to raise all of his kits alone, but he’ll settle for co-parenting if a must, or a system similar to divorced parents. He enjoys having a part in his kits’ lives, but if their other parent really feels that strongly about not having him around, then he’d understand.

Even if he doesn’t like it.

Coastcall was born to a single mother that didn’t really know what she was doing — she was there and she tried, but she struggled to make a connection with her kits in the nursery. It was far easier for her to talk with cats her own age, and she only ever started to get along with her litter once they were older apprentices. As such, much of his relationships as a kit came from the other monarchs in the nursery. He was determined to be far more emotionally available to his own kits once he got older (because he most certainly wanted to be a father, he already knew that much).

He’s had a few flings throughout his life, but his most serious one was with a molly named Sandstream, who became the mother of his kits. He was overjoyed when he heard the news and began to make sure he brought prey back for her every time he went out, or that she wasn’t pushing herself too hard — she was carrying precious cargo, after all! While he annoyed Sandstream a few times, both were excited and felt ready for parenthood.

Until the kits were born. She died a few days after their birth from complications, and he was left alone to raise his litter of two.


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