Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:

l o a d i n g . . .
Read Me Before Continuing
  • I have a VERY large phobia of fire, specifically wildfires. Due to this, please do NOT mention or show me any sort of pictures containing wildfires.
  • I swear pretty freely!! If you don't want me to do it around you then let me know please :]
  • I have a MASSIVE fixation with sharks!! Giant even!! I am an advocate for sharks and am heavily against the killing, hunting, or finning of them. That said, please do not show me pictures of sharks washed up on beaches, finned sharks, dead sharks, or any of the such. It is extremely upsetting for me to see thos kind of images.
  • I draw non-sexualized afab chests! Although, I will not and do not draw afab chests on characters without explicit permission though / unless their ref says it's ok ^^
  • I have adhd, which causes me to get sidetracked very easily and start new projects before I can even finish my other ones. Please keep this in mind when talking to me or doing an art-related thing with me! I try my best not to ignore messages, just please be patient with me ^^
  • I have a very hard time when it comes to telling if someone is teasing or not. I'm better with friends and people I know well, but please just don't tease me! I have a very bad past with teasing, and as mentioned beforehand, I sometimes take it at face-value. Also please try to use tonetags if need be with me!
  • If you fit basic DNI criteria
  • If you are against neopronouns. I am a user of neopronouns (vey/vem (and it/its depending on who you ask)). Same goes for if you're against using it/its if someone asks you to / is ok with it.
  • If you are ok with / support / consume feral nsfw
  • If you are an nsfw account. I am a MINOR.
  • If you are a terf, transmed, or transphobic. I am a transmasc genderflorer person, so uh yknow politely fuck off :3
  • If you steal art and/or characters.
  • If you're under 13. You really shouldn't even be on here, considering that TH's minimum age is 13 iirc. This only goes for my platforms that are 13+ though, so if you're under 13 and interact with me somewhere like Scratch then we're chill
  • Support or are an 'AI Artist'. Please go away this isn't the place for you!
  • If you are pro-life / anti-abortion. You and your beliefs scare the SHIT out of me if that's what you believe.
  • If you're here to 'preach' your beliefs to me. I respect and don't mind any religion as long as it's not hurting anyone. but please don't come onto my profile to talk to me about your beliefs, especially if they're political.
  • If you support, tolerate, or are friends with/connected to ptameeting / Dinofiames from Scratch. It is disgusting what he's done, and please do NOT interact with me, my content, or any communities I run if you follow, tolerate, support, are friends with, or are connected to him. More about what's happened here. (However, should be noted that if you aren't aware of what's happened then I'm not mad at you for just not knowing! Just please make yourself aware of what's happened if you follow or are in connection to him ^^)
  • If you support, tolerate, are friends with, or are connected to any other people involved in the Dinofiames situation who tolerates or supports him. Again, it is disgusting what he's done, and the people he's connected to seem to tolerate and even support what he's done. More about what's happened here. (However, should be noted that if you aren't aware of what's happened then I'm not mad at you for just not knowing! Just please make yourself aware of what's happened if you follow or are in connection to any of those who support or tolerate what Dino's done ^^)
BLACKLIST (note: I don't add people to this very easily or often)
  • Sharkyfelandian - Breeding other's characters without permission, breeding designs made by me / Flaame without my permission, breeding underage characters. See here for more info.
  • N-U-C-L-E-A-R / -N-U-C-L-E-A-R- / _-N-U-C-L-E-A-R-_ / NuclearGodzilla2023 (Scratch) - Harassment, transphobia, deadnaming, bullying to the point of someone deleting their account, ban evasion, etc. Doc coming soon. (5/26/2023)
  • Most triggering topics that relate to my characters and their stories (such as murder or death) is usually only talked about in their code. Due to this, I put the warnings for characters in their tags since I don't talk about their triggering topics in things such as their art. Even then, please know that any folder that is marked with the death tw will have talks of death!
  • I draw scars and do not censor them. Although granted, I don't draw them in a realistic/realism way either.
  • Characters whose design, code, or CSS is triggering by itself (such as eyestrain) I will always do my best to put a warning on!
  • I will ALWAYS put warnings on images that include blood, gore, eyestrain/bright colors, death, etc. If there is something you want me or that I forgot to put a warning on then PLEASE let me know!
  • Comment!! Talk to me! I love talking with people!
  • TALK TO ME ABOUT SHARKS!!!! Omg I LOVEEE sharks so so so much pls talk to me about them and perhaps even send a shark video or image to me it will make me so so so happy
  • Draw my characters! Please try your best to follow their ref and please try to infer their personality! If you want to or need to ask what their personality is then please don't hesitate to ask!
  • Talk to me about my characters!
  • Dreamie my characters! Although please know that a lot of them are foreverhomed. I do allow pings though!
  • 'Ask' to be my friend. I understand if you may want to be moots or friends with me, but due to a past of parasocial relationships, this question does make me quite uncomfortable. Friendships don't happen on a whim or after 2 or 3 messages relating to art or characters! They take time to build ^^
  • Try to copy or 'emulate' my artstyle. This makes me EXTREMELY uncomfortable. I am not a very confrontational person, but it will still upset me quite a bit. I understand taking inspiration, and that nobody really owns an artstyle, but there is a point where others can genuinely mix up who drew what if someone takes a bit too much inspo.
  • Draw my characters in nsfw or 18+ situations. Again, I am a MINOR.
  • Draw nipples on my characters. Even if it's in a non-sexualized way, it still makes me EXTREMELY uncomfortable.
  • Trace, repost, or steal my characters/art. That is against Toyhouse's rules, as well for my own personal rules. My pieces are all watermarked, and I will not hesitate to put filters on them.
  • I have an extremely bad past with politics, to the point where due to the hurt it has caused me, I'm unsure if I'll even vote when I'm an adult due to the mental strain politics have caused me. That said, please do not bring politics up around me or on my profile, same goes for conspiracy theories. It can be very triggering for me.
  • Kin my characters. I'm fine with you relating to them, but I tend to project a lot onto my characters, so it'd be a little weird (for lack of a better word) for you to kin them :')) Although dw I support kinning as long as it isn't hurting anyone! Just please don't do so with my characters ^^

That should be all! Sorry that was so long, I just have a lot to say lmao :')) Anyways, hope you have a good time on my profile and like what I do ^^

This user's characters, art, stories, and other personal creations are protected under copyright law.
Any unauthorized use, reproduction, or redistribution will be met with the appropriate legal action.

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