APftG (A Play for the Gods) is a short story concept i had a few years ago, although i still like the concept i have no where to take the story

The story basically about cats that are gods (it could also be about humans that are gods but i do not want to draw that)

What i have so far: Rebry being the absolute worst decides to basically drown every other cat (except his friends of course), he somehow gets every cat in a meteor crater and floods it. In the process he lost one friend, but that friend is reborn as the "main character". Several years in the future everything sucks and is bad and cats have started getting aquatic abilities. The better aquatic abilities you have the higher up you are on the social scale. 

"Main character" literally has gills, second main character does not have anything. They decide to try and get rid of the system but "main character" then learns that he used to be a god and abandons being a good guy. Second main character is now the main character. 

Setting: Ocean with floating masses of land scattered around

Other details: Everything sucks and is bad because everyone is constantly dying and the rich get richer and the non-aquatic cats become more non-aquatic and die

- Some of the gods care that people are dying but most of them dont. The only one that really cares i havnt added here yet

-Sorry for my ramblings i am horrible at writing and also! this is just a story i use to procrastinate on other stories