FloofMoth's Profile Comments

Hey Tricky, is there any other amino that you are in that I can pay you back for the custom? I dont want to leave you hanging.

Hey sorry for the late reply, I got kinda busy. Idk if you paid me or not I think you did but in case you didn't I'm on furry, jellinu, httyd, both paa aminos, Pokemon, Pokemon art/animation and a few other small ones.

Also, I remembered that I need to send you the other eel, so I'll get that going! I won't be able to do the other art of them though until after I finish the other art I owe.

Is Target the guy from WalEEeEe?

Very confused would like clarification


Target is a turret, from the game portal

Look it up random confused person

Still unclear, have you watched the movie WallEE?

No, I live under a rock. Am snek