ForestNeedsSleep's Bulletins

art block and lack of motivation are absolutley kicking my ass right now and hhhhngg

thinking of maybe trying to do a design raffle to see if i can kick start a little bit of motivation (my designs arent getting the most traction tho so not really sure, thats bumbing the motivation too lol. i do know everyone loves free stuff and everyone loves free raffles tho so eh)

Would people be interested in a raffle? What kind of design would people want to see?

Art is hard, i am feeling very deflated :P

(side note tho - life update - i applied for a job the other day! im trying to get a second job because my boss can only aford to pay me one day a week and i only get payed for 6 hours of work, and its just not enough to cover any sort of living expenses. So raahh im like nerveous excited about that. Its at a doggy daycare / dog training facility, they do some really good shit and are amazing with how they treat their animals and their training methods, and hoping now that ive actually got some official qualifications for working with animals to boost my years of hands on expirience that ill be considered a bit more seriously in job applications. If this doesnt work i think im just gonna go hand my resume in to a bunch more farms in the area and maybe some pet shops, but pet shops are limited as most of the ones in my town are pretty shitty with how they treat animals so theres only like two that i would morally work at.. and yer, art is not making money. Hoping to stock up on some trad paintings this year to try and sell at this years artwalk but really doubting my self. A lot of people tell me that they love my art and they want to buy things if i ever make them, but if i ever do open the opportunity to sell paintings or other stuff, no one ever does. Kinda bruses the motivation a little bit. Not too fussed as i do my paintings solely for myself and my own enjoyment, but it still does affect u a bit when no one validates ur work. ((and like the people i know would by my works in a second are my family.... and theyre my family.. Like im not gonna tell my mum she has to give me a hundred bucks to hang the painitng i have on my bedroom wall on her wall instead. extended family absolutley i would make pay but they are not a part of my life so not happenign)) Ok this was a bit of a rant props to anyone who read it all. Manifest that i get an interview pls <33 )

RAFFLE!! (nm)

Posted 2 months, 27 days ago by ForestNeedsSleep

Look at this pretty kitty!!


Posted 3 months, 19 days ago by ForestNeedsSleep

FUCKUFUCK I AM SEEING ON OF MY FAVOURITE BANDS OF ALL TIME TOMORROW!!!! As im doing so, ill be driving to sydeny and be there tomorrow and thursday, so ill be on a short haitus for those two days! I got a 5 hour car drive there and back though so i will be trying to catch up on some owed art during that <33

I am so beyond sorry for the lack of progress with owed pieces!! Ive been adjusting to being back in a school setting and having classes and home study, and may have had a small art and style crisis during that time as well. Im trying to get back into the swing of things and get these owed pieces done for eveyone <333 Feel more than welcome to message if you want a specific update on your pieces <33 THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATIENCE!! <3

Hi everyone!!

So on monday, I start my TAFE course!!! I am super frickin excited but this will defintely effect my activity a little bit! My classes are 9 to 4 on mondays and tuesdays, and on top of that ive got to do about 15 hours of independent work and study, whis like is nothing compared to highschool so im really happy, but it will still put a dent in my activity online a bit! So ill try to be as active as i can but things will definetly start to slow down a bit <33

As for those who i owe art, i am working my but off for u guys, but unfortunately have just been either really busy lately, or ive been away from home, so art production is like oober slow right now! Im hoping that going back to a structured weekly routine with classes and work and stuff, that i'll be able to work on art more routinely and less sporadically, so i will keep you all updated! Always feel free to ask for progress on any of the art <333

anyways that my ramble over, thank you for listening <3

Hi there everyone!! I'm back from sydney and my hiatus is over so I thought this would be a good time to tell everyone some exciting news!! :3

I officially have a PayPal now!! These means as of today, I will be accepting monetary offers on designs! <3 I dont really have any set prices on my designs so feel free to offer whatever you feel like (no low balls please, i wont accept them :/ ) <--- my characters i have up for offers <3

This also means that in the very near future, I will be looking at finally opening my commissions to the public! I'm still just trying to figure out pricing, as well as just trying to find an art style that im happy to work with digitally, as I mainly do traditional art. I will definitely make another bulletin though when I officially open them, so keep an eye out for that! :33

ANYWAYS! Thats all ive got for now! I'm very excited about this :3 it definitely opens up a lot of possibilities <3 

HAITUS WARNING [30th to 2nd]

Posted 4 months, 12 days ago by ForestNeedsSleep

HIHI!! Putting this up now so i don't forget and so people have advanced warning!! :3

I'll be on haitus from the 30th of january to the 2nd of feb! My friends and i are going down to sydney to see Melanie Martinez OMFG I AM SO EXCITED!! Get to go on two 7 hour train trips too and then stay in sydney for an extra two days! >:3 (i lowkey fucking hate sydney but ill deal with it for Melanie)

So while im away i wont be able to answer messages or comments! Feel free to still comment or message but just know i wont see them until im back home! <33


Posted 4 months, 27 days ago by ForestNeedsSleep

RAAA ENTER THIS NOW!!!!! For starters, such a cute design, so pretty! BUT ALSO, TOBY IS SO CLOSE TO 500!!!!!! GO AND GET THEM TO 500 SUBS NOW!!!!!


Posted 4 months, 29 days ago by ForestNeedsSleep

Hi everyone!! Sorry for such slow progress with everything! Over chirstmas and new years i got swamped with work and family things, and then my brothers birthday on the 7th, and though its calmed down quite a bit now im feeling pretty burnt out and the dreaded art block has kicked in! 

Im trying my best to work on owed art but it is a very slow and draining process at the moment. If any body would like updates on their pieces at any time, feel free to reach out and im more than happy to provide screenshots with progress! :3 It unfortunatley is just a very tedious thing to do art atm and im stuggling a bit with motivation and just everything im doing not looking right or being up to the standards ive set for myself! Couple that with some rocky mental health at the moment and yeah,, things are slow. 

Everyone has been so polite and understanding so far with how long things are taking so i cannot thank you enough, and i promise im trying my best to speed things up and get these pieces done!!

I hope everyone has a good day/night! :^)

RAAAA!! I wanna make some more designs, probs gonna be hand drawn rather than on bases because a lot of my design process relies heavily on shape/body language and things like fur and personality! But im struggling to come up with ideas for themes or inspiration qwq

So please suggest some themes or ideas you think would be cool to see!!

(cough cough i have a soft spot for any animals themes because autism, so like any animal themes people wanna see as cats i am more than happy to do, but im also open to other theme ideas!)


Posted 5 months, 21 days ago by ForestNeedsSleep

This is actually so sick? Please check it out!! This artist is so fricking talented (and generous omfg i applaud the effort people gotta put in to make animation memes!!)