ForestNeedsSleep's Bulletins

Wisteria WIP sneak peak

Posted 6 months, 4 days ago by ForestNeedsSleep

i usually dont add jewlery or accessories to my designs but this boy is very pretty and i feel that very delicate jewelry is essential to his design :3


wisteria sketch

Posted 6 months, 5 days ago by ForestNeedsSleep

ok my mum has officially decided that im doing the wisteria design next! So heres a little peak at the concept sketch!IMG_8813.PNG?ex=66062eeb&is=65f3b9eb&hm=

and here is what was originally the wisteria design, but i fell in love so im keeping him and he is my little stinky now


i know the sketches kind of look similar but they are completely different colours and designs in my head, trust.

SORRY FOR SPAMMING BULLETINS!!! I AM JUST HAVING LOTS OF FUN <333 All of your comments make me very very happy :33

Also to the one person who voted for Judas Tree in the pole, i see you and i love you <3 people are sleeping on the judas tree

Aspen finished sneak peak!

Posted 6 months, 5 days ago by ForestNeedsSleep

Aspen is finished!!! :33 I think im going to wait until i have all of the designs finished however before i post any of them. I want to post them all together <3


Aspen Sneak Peak

Posted 6 months, 6 days ago by ForestNeedsSleep

Since Aspen is in the lead atm for which design will be raffled, here's a little sneak peak of the colour concepts :3


RAFFLE!! (nm)

Posted 6 months, 6 days ago by ForestNeedsSleep



Posted 6 months, 6 days ago by ForestNeedsSleep

sooo i am rapidly falling in love with the wisteria design he is just so pretty and grumpy and ughh

currently working on a wisteria 2.0 cause i really can't see myself giving the current one away... i am battling demons fr

2 of the 4 mood board designs have been sketched out!! Hoping to have the other two sketched tonight as well (well.. three technically, i think im giving up on trying not to keep wisteria 1.0). 


Posted 6 months, 6 days ago by ForestNeedsSleep

Which design do you want for the raffle?

4 Votes Aspen
1 Votes Judas
2 Votes Rainbow
2 Votes Wisteria

This is a reupload, so sorry to anyone who voted on the last one, you'll have to do it again <3

Decided to include the mood boards ive made for the designs this time, to give you a better idea for the design your'e voting for! 

All of these design will be made, but only one will be raffled, the rest will be ota ^^ Please vote for the one you would like to be a raffle!

vv Aspen tree vv


vv Judas tree vv


vv Rainbow gum vv


vv Wisteria tree vv


What kind of design raffle? [POLL]

Posted 6 months, 7 days ago by ForestNeedsSleep

What kind of Design?

1 Votes Animal
0 Votes Moodboard
2 Votes Plant
0 Votes Anthro (any animal)
0 Votes Other

What kind of design do you want to see for the raffle!? (as well as any other future adopts!)

Animal based cat design (comment what kind of animals!)

Moodboard based cat designs (i will accept any moodboards people want to throw at me <3)

Plat based cat designs (comment plants!)

Anthro Designs (any kind of theme suggestion for these would be welcomed, like what kind of animal and what themes and such)

Other (comment)


Posted 6 months, 8 days ago by ForestNeedsSleep


Shimmy shimmy yay shimmy yay shimmy ya drank Swallalala geto-suguru-suguru-geto.gifdrank Swallalala swallalala Swallalmonday-left-me-broken-cat-memes.gifala


manifesting manifesting manifesting oh my god AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHAHHA

manifesting manifesting manifestingazumanga-daioh-hello-everyone.gif

art block and lack of motivation are absolutley kicking my ass right now and hhhhngg

thinking of maybe trying to do a design raffle to see if i can kick start a little bit of motivation (my designs arent getting the most traction tho so not really sure, thats bumbing the motivation too lol. i do know everyone loves free stuff and everyone loves free raffles tho so eh)

Would people be interested in a raffle? What kind of design would people want to see?

Art is hard, i am feeling very deflated :P

(side note tho - life update - i applied for a job the other day! im trying to get a second job because my boss can only aford to pay me one day a week and i only get payed for 6 hours of work, and its just not enough to cover any sort of living expenses. So raahh im like nerveous excited about that. Its at a doggy daycare / dog training facility, they do some really good shit and are amazing with how they treat their animals and their training methods, and hoping now that ive actually got some official qualifications for working with animals to boost my years of hands on expirience that ill be considered a bit more seriously in job applications. If this doesnt work i think im just gonna go hand my resume in to a bunch more farms in the area and maybe some pet shops, but pet shops are limited as most of the ones in my town are pretty shitty with how they treat animals so theres only like two that i would morally work at.. and yer, art is not making money. Hoping to stock up on some trad paintings this year to try and sell at this years artwalk but really doubting my self. A lot of people tell me that they love my art and they want to buy things if i ever make them, but if i ever do open the opportunity to sell paintings or other stuff, no one ever does. Kinda bruses the motivation a little bit. Not too fussed as i do my paintings solely for myself and my own enjoyment, but it still does affect u a bit when no one validates ur work. ((and like the people i know would by my works in a second are my family.... and theyre my family.. Like im not gonna tell my mum she has to give me a hundred bucks to hang the painitng i have on my bedroom wall on her wall instead. extended family absolutley i would make pay but they are not a part of my life so not happenign)) Ok this was a bit of a rant props to anyone who read it all. Manifest that i get an interview pls <33 )