Already Gone

In 2005 in England, the world is full of vampires and other mythical creatures, but humans have no idea. This has remained so due to close and methodical oversight by the rulers of each species, and none have worked harder than James: The leader of the main vampire covenant. Vampires are growing in number more and more each year, and as if that wasn't hard enough, an ancient prophet comes to light. 

In thirteen years a child of both worlds will unite us all. 

After much insight, James and several other vampires of high status realize that the child spoken of will be a half breed; half human and half vampire. They have nothing against this, as it is never good to ignore prophecies. James declares the child, when they have come of age, will be welcomed and trained to take his place as leader of the species. Though a vampire named Ume disagrees, and sets out on a plot to kill the child as well as James in hopes of taking the spot as leader for himself. But unbeknownst to him, a fairly young vampire named Krow hears his plot and threatens to tell James. Ume then turns on him, and Frames Krow for a horrific crime which leads to him being banished. 

Several years later Krow and the child of prophecy, Calvin meet. And due to a chain of events falls under Krow's care. Will the two of them be able to avoid Ume's attempts to kill them both and stop his plot?

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