Harmony in Ashes

In the fictional country called Sylvanae lies two kingdoms. The elven kingdom of Lorendor, known for their dragon slaying prowess and the rival dragon kingdom called Flamoria, a place filled with humanoid dragons known for their magic usage and regality. These two kingdoms have been at war with each other for centuries, they do not like each other and they've been killing each other for centuries as well.

Ryusei is the youngest of the three elven princes and by far the most accomplished dragon slayer that the kingdom has and his parents are extremely proud of him. Despite being the youngest he has a very bright future ahead of him and he and his siblings are actively fighting each other trying to one up the other to prove that they are fit to be heir to the throne. And their parents endorse this, so far Ryusei is the contender for heir. 

Meanwhile in the dragon kingdom, Spinel is the youngest of the six dragon princes and princesses and he has no hope of ever seeing the throne. And on top of that he's a bit of a screw up, clumsy, and a failure in his families eyes. He can't wield magic very well at all and his siblings pick on him relentless for this. He feels like he's constantly in his older siblings shadows and his parents, the king and queen, expect nothing from him. He begs them to entrust him with something, anything. Tired of his whining, his father gives him a "mission", fully expecting him to fail. This mission is to capture the elven kingdom's youngest prince and bring him back to the dragon kingdom where they will keep him prisoner. And then, ONLY THEN, will his family acknowledge him. Spinel is eager to prove himself as a valuable part of the family so he eagerly accepts.

One day during a hunt with his father and siblings, Ryusei kills a powerful dragon, who with its last dying breath says "Bask while you can, boy, the hunter will soon become the hunted." Ryusei goes about his day thinking the words mean nothing but later that night he realizes the words ring true after he turns into a dragon. Ultimately he has to flee the castle and his family escaping into the dense forest.

Now a dragon he ends up meeting Spinel, and they two form an unexpected friendship. Will Ryusei be able to break his curse? Or will he be stuck a dragon forever? 

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