Feathers Grace

The spring season is in full swing in the kingdom of Silvercrest, and things are buzzing with activity! But over the last few months there seems to be a strange and rather sudden string of mysterious disappearances, many are unsettled by this, but surely it won't happen to them, right? So people don's worry too awfully much. Odessa, the Princess of Silvercrest kingdom, certainty isn't letting that put a damper on the season! She spends many nights at various shindigs having a wonderful time, until one fateful evening at a ball in the Silvercrest Castle, Zephyra, a jealous witch, hands Odessa a swan pendant. The princess graciously accepts and wears it, unknowingly dooming her. 

Because on the next night, Odessa transforms into swan and then back into a human when the first rays of dawn hit her. This happens repeatedly and she soon realizes that someone has cursed her for one reason or another. She tries to hide her curse, but her brother and parents eventually find out. Her parents send her on a journey to find a way to break her curse, but she doesn't venture off alone. 

A retired knight of the Silvercrest kingdom named Kestrel, accompanies her on her journey. But while they travel they face more cursed, hardships, and Zephyra's dark magic follows them at at every turn. Will Kestrel and Odessa be able to break the curse or will they fail...? 

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