
Soraya has always hidden her ability to see mythological creatures and the like, but her life changes dramatically when she stumbles upon Niran, a powerful naga prince gravely injured by a group of hunters seeking to exploit his powers. In a moment of desperation, Niran binds his life force to Soraya, marking her with a curse that will slowly rewrite her very humanity. Now linked to Niran, Soraya is thrust into the world of mythological beings, a world she only ever observed from the outside.

As Soraya and Niran search for a way to reverse the curse, they are joined by Styx, a mysterious and charismatic boy who also possesses the Sight. Styx is mysterious and keeps his past shrouded in mystery. Together the three must find a way to reverse Soraya's curse, but Styx has ulterior motives, and on to further complicate things, the three stumble into a plot that threatens both the human and mythological worlds. 

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