
Breezeclan's camp is situated halfway up a mountain range, tucked away behind a natural waterfall and surrounded by forest. It's a series of natural caves that enter out into a narrow pathway, leading to an open clearing below with a large pool fed by the waterfall. The fresh-kill is stored in the deepest cave of the clan, kept cool within the very bones of the earth. A river runs from the pool into the forest, where warriors and apprentices patrol and hunt. Cats rarely climb the mountain beyond the camp except to search for rarer herbs or commune with their ancestors. 

To be crowned a warrior, apprentices must climb to the top of the waterfall and leap down into the deep pool below, 'flying' to the bottom and embracing the wind that connects them all. When a cat is named leader, they climb to the mountain's peak and will meditate until the wind speaks to them, bringing with it the wisdom of their ancestors and their blessing to become the new leader. After this, they take on the title of 'wing', replacing their previous warrior name. (Eg. Mousewhisker --> Mousewing) 

This clan has no current ties to any others. They live in a remote but temperate climate and don't fight with anything except other predators, such as badgers, foxes, coyotes, and wolves. Canines are a large danger to their clan, but thankfully large patrols and well-trained apprentices have allowed them to mostly defend their territory from nearby packs. The path to their camp is narrow enough that predators can't scale it, so in dire scenarios they can retreat to the caves and survive on their fresh-kill pile and the puddles formed from the rushing waterfall. Over generations they've devised tactics to fight large predators, such as slashing at their noses or attacking them from behind. 

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