Foxofspades's Profile Comments

Your icon is so cute, can i ask where you got it?? (Who you commed/if you did it)

Of course! Pencilz_ on TH. They make amazing pixel icons!! 

Finally I’ve found another writer on this sight ahhhhhhhh

Also love ur username lol

Right back at you, fellow writer! 

Nifty username you have there, sounds like something out of a boss battle  

hi!! i just came to say that i love your work - your writing style is so pleasant to read! :D

Aw, thank you for the kind words. I really appreciate it   

Hope you have a great day today!

Hiiii i absolutely love your writing style!! ITS SO GOOD AHHHH the way you elegantly write stuff is incredible!! Anyways that's all!!! Sorry to bother you!! :D

AW, thank you so much   !! I’m glad you like my writing style. Thank you for such a sweet comment!  I hope you have a lovely day today.

Thank you for your compliments on Elias. <33 I really appreciate it.

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NP! They were fun reads <3

Tysm for the faves!
I am so glad you like my characters.
Honestly, my heart might melt from all your kind words!

Thanks so much for the favorite



Thank you haha! Love all your ocs, Jev <3

Thanks so much for the favorite and kind words 💕

No prob! I hope your peppy girl always manages to find the light xD (she's a lantern so *shot*)

Haha aww. 😊👍

Thanks for the faves as well!

Thank you so much for the fav on Yuuto!

No prob xD!

Thank you for all the favorites! If you ever want our OCs to interact please tell me!

Sure thing ^^! Perhaps Raine and Audrey? What kind of world is he from? She's from an urban fantasy setting!