Purradise Lost

Level 4
Cats 6/9
Trades Open
Sales Closed
Breedings Open

At the north of Thogard lies a land of frost and nevermelting snow. It’s mountainous and under the tallest of them is an underground dungeon inhabited by monsters. To the south-east of it is the Twilight Forest where the cats have their home with the wizard Zappersnap in a magic tower. At the very south is a land that was once bountiful in flora and fauna, but since has become barren and scorched, home to demons and a dragon that lives in a massive old castle. The west is an area of plains and fields separated from the rest of the nation by a mountain range. Many towns and villages are scattered all around Thogard with the main town in the center of the continent.

Growing high above the treetops is a mossy old tower. The very tops reach the clouds, though it can't be seen, as the air is filed with multi-coloured smokes, glittering with unknown lights. Within it lives a wizard, deemed more powerful than any. Magic can be felt in the air. It seeps underneath the doors, through cracks between the weathered bricks. It gives birth to awful, malicious creatures that attack anything that moves. They would bring destruction to the forest if it wasn't for familiars that keep their population in check.

Most animals stay away from this place, too afraid of the power and what it brings. Though bountiful, the shining glowshrooms and carnivorous plants do not attract them enough to cross the border of the forest. Probably for the best, as few of those plants are actually edible.

Supernatural powers have shaped the lands around the tower. Some trees have odd colours and it's not uncommon to see them move about. They grow extremely thick and their branches and leaves completely block out the sunlight. Yet, it's never completely dark because of glowing fungi and the air dotted with glimmering lights.


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