Wolf Characters

(None up for sale)

Wolves who lived in an era of wolves that gained powers called: The Ancients

They were all wiped out before the clans settled in

The clans live where they used to

The ghosts of these wolves told them about them and they now see them as Gods

Jay: God of luck. If you see a jay bird they see it as good luck (depending on their size determines the size/amount of your luck) but if you kill or eat a jay bird it gives you bad luck.

Kylo: God of time travel. He travels time. They believe he will make sure they have the best future. If they like want something in the future to go well they ask Kylo to make sure it goes well.

Oliver: God of Earth. He has earth powers, they believe he creates all the nature.

Frost: God of Weather. They believe she controls the weather, she doesn’t really, she controls ice or snow. They believe if it’s been a horrible winter that they have upset the gods somehow.

Anubis guy (I don’t have a name but Kylo’s brother): God of Afterlife. He is the one they see as they pass. They say you can hear his chains rattle. He helps you up and shows you to the light of Starclan, with your friends and family who has passed. But if you are going to The Darkforest they say he will wrap you up in his chains and drag you to the opening of The Darkforest.