⏰ [W.I.P]

⚠️Important: Don't draw anyone in here! These designs need edits /redesigns etc. which means that their designs will change ⚠️


💎Fine Tuning- #finetuning 
Characters which have concrete plans and only need a few tweaks. I do not intend to trade those
Not for Trade !

⚒️Still figuring out - #developing 
I do have some ideas for these characters, but I haven't figured anything out yet. They are SUPER tentative and it is very likely that I will decline !

Tentative, most likely declining when it comes to trade offers. 
💭No thoughts, head empty -  #inactive 
These are basically open for trading, but since I do like something about the design, I will be picky !
Tentative, but open for trade offers.