Ernutaq's Pack

The pack has 8 members, all of them being lone werewolves Ernutaq stumbled upon and took in as well as Ernutaq himself.

α Ernutaq MALIK
β Kendall PARKER ;; Alejandra GUERRERO
γ Atohi WEST ;; Gyeong-Hui & Ji-Hun JØRGENSTEN ;; Tobjörn MOORE
ω Nathan LAVOI


Protect your pack. Show no fear. Respect the elder. Teach the young. Lead your companions. Hunt your enemies. Howl to a new tomorrow. Explore the unknown. Adapt to the environment. Never back down. Leave your mark.

The pack works like a classic wolf pack, with a few variations. Ernutaq being the Alpha, he's in control and gives most of the directives. The whole pack trusts him deeply. He leads them, and they all respect him.
Kendall and Alejandra joined later one, and are the Bêtas of the clan. When Ernutaq isn't around, the girls are the leaders. Much like the Alpha wolf, they're respected and their directive aren't questioned as long as they're not utter non-sense.
Atohi, the twins and Tobjörn are the Gammas. They work for the pack and are its members. They don't especially have any specific role, but they're the flesh of the pack.
Finally, Nathan is the Omega. His role is to maintain the cohesion of the pack. He helps frustrated packmates, provide them support and an understanding ear. Unlike a wolf, he doesn't especially get beaten up, and mostly axed his work on relaxation and other technics.


The pack lives in a building located in a calm city. Ernutaq happens to own the building, and he rents it to his packmates. The rent has a good price so everyone can afford it, and Ernutaq behaves more as a dad than as a careful owner.

Each one of them have their own flat in said building, offering them some intimacy while still keeping them close together.

  • WIP

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