GarlandDreams oc original character humanoid demon cute dwarf monster anthro human creature fantasy design hybrid feral needs art OC dog shapeshifter mentally ill Original character Nipple-head futuristic robot fae tattoo Head Nipple girl dwarven handsome deceased horns cool piercings fairy furry cowboy indian orc scars Jaxon Japanese creepy hottie Original Character pokemon cat yukata generated coral hairdresser swordsman wires naga blind redhead half-demon hell gluttony undead gore curly sword 35 USD deer fantasy character cool af doctor rancher claw half orc fur blue eyes demigod bipolar creepypasta Oc Todd animal bug festival orange cyborg xenomorph water nymph red sea whip singer tattoos rust scary sick halfling military zombie crazy freedom adventure Seneca white deer soldier adorable spicy boi ambiguous scientist wolf Texas native american bear claw dungeons and dragons tsundere scar phoenix Rudy plug blonde Comic Toad Korean bird gachamon cutie so cute tiger future gaia Forumgame vampire ftm captain non human ribs half breed Human silly beautiful ex military blood shy powerful young feline army gopher angry huge flirt researcher what to do with you border collie alamo bear Zoryanny dnd schizophrenic African American shrine Evan Chelsea comic Kwang fakemon goldfish boy synthetic Finch mermaid count piercing metal bones snake my boy illness half-blood queen amputee stitches afro oni kid for sale father protective sick boi just a cute lil nerd