GarnetSunset's Bulletins

CAN I GET AN AMEN for my isopods I have converted them into a ribs recipe post

 get ribs (pork)
get honey
get water
mix honey and water in a 3:1 ratio put the ribs in and toss em a little bit put the entire mixture in the fridge wait 2-6 hours preheat 10 minutes put the ribs on the grill (or the oven. whatever. the one under the stove)
 wait 45 minutes on like. ummm. 180C (might be uncooked)(think I got a parasite from this)
 or wait 30 minutes on 150, glaze once more with sugar (doesn't change anything honestly but you can try it) cook for additional 30 eat them. 

don't tell me I need to add salt whatever. this shit cooks already.
If anyone actually reads this and makes it and sends me a pic I'll give you a 50$ coupon off anything I make lmfaoo ONCE !!! NO STACKING !!!

requests [eternally open]

Posted 11 months, 28 days ago by GarnetSunset

ummm !!

all the important stuff yk

Posted 1 year, 5 months ago by GarnetSunset


I will draw ( things I am not good at are in italics)(> customs, headshots, fullbodies) : 

> dragons
> furries
> people
> literally any other animal

> nsfw???? tentatively????  (not open to people under 18, also note I have 0 experience doing this so it will look like garbage).
I will not draw 
>  bots
> complicated textures
> scenes
> illegal nsfw things as defined by law (zoophilia, paedophillia)

commission prices are pwyw. This may change in the future but for now it should be whatever's affordable for you.
I will only do customs for artwork or ocs. Unless stated, I don't do customs for currency.

> don't steal my ocs
> don't need my permission to edit my guys/designs just still credit me
> artwork can be minorly edited
> I reserve the rights to use them as artwork examples (unless you ask not to)
> payment will be after I finish the completed product! ^^
>  i don’t mind if you sell my designs for more than they're worth if you're desperately in need of money (not for people on grey/blacklist)
but only do this if I :
1. approve it first
2. adhere to all CS rules, and tell the staff members of said CS and gain THEIR approval (if a CS)
3.  state these in the post/ad
4. tell the buyer again before they send any form of payment across
Failure to adhere to this will result in your user blacklisted, these are not difficult requests to follow

BOOSTER PERKS TOS  (discord servers I am staff in only)
> will be more likely to receive an additional headshot of any adopts/guys
> cannot add this to base value
> +1 raffle tickets for boosters

> don't touch any of my designs/guys and don't offer unless you're giving me money
> will not be prioritised if offering for adopts/my for sale guys/comms
> you can ask

(GREYLIST) by proxy : you know and associate with someone on the blacklist, but i've never interacted with you enough to judge your character.
(GREYLIST) by suspicion : you could've been the person, you could not have been. Greylisted because if you did it, you'd be blacklisted, but I don't have confirmation.
(GREYLIST) by time : Enough time has passed between the situation and now that it's hard for me to judge if you've changed.
(GREYLIST) by confirmation :
(BLACKLIST) by proxy : You were previously greylisted, but because you chose to associate/support someone on the blacklist you're now here.
(BLACKLIST) by suspicion : There's very little between you and confirmation, and we've had enough bad experiences.
(BLACKLIST) by confirmation : I have definite confirmation you did these actions and I have no/few positive thoughts about you.
(BLACKLIST) : personal matters

If greylisted
> All artwork from me that was unpaid or gifts will not be done
> cannot win my raffles, can enter
> not really a lot here
> will add as it goes along

if blacklisted
> all the stuff from the greylist which isn't really a lot
> I mean just don't talk to me man if it's going to make you mad you've made it plenty clear you don't like me

RELATED TO WOFA AMINO DRAMA (2021) -----------------------------------
@mmellohi @amnesias_symphony amn3sia   (BLACKLIST by confirmation) got me banned off WoF amino, joked about someone's dead grandfather, lied about being in a system
botmunch (BLACKLIST by confirmation 2021) > (GREYLIST by time (2023) > (BLACKLIST) by proxy(2024 APR 22) 

WOF DISCORD DRAMA (CLOUDWINGS) (2023 SAT 18 NOV 8.30am) -----------------------------------
RabiesRex on discord (BLACKLIST) by confirmation (constantly looking for drama for some reason, speaks like a ffvii villain) 
rigor-mortis  (BLACKLIST) by confirmation (stop trying to start shit this is the third time)
MAJORITY RAIDENWING STAFF, LISTED, spreadking rumours, unapologetic for making people uncomfortable + APR 22
kaijusnacks (GREYLIST) by proxy
pharodragon (GREYLIST) by proxy
r4zzmatazz (GREYLIST) by proxy
tomato_pestoo (GREYLISTby suspicion
heatwavvve (BLACKLIST) by suspicion
13nthday + athofear (NOT grey/blacklisted but still in the staff chat for raidenwings and are on a by proxyproxyproxy string)

ridiculous peak drama 
spectralsnek (BLACKLIST)

Mon 22 APR
handthatfeeds (DARK..ish GREYLIST) by confirmation? I really hate their friend group but they're pretty nice so. whatever
Aponia_Frvrgn (DARK..ish GREYLIST) by confirmation + other stuff actually that comix told me +whatever

florafauxx COMMS ONLY

zucculent (Monstera deliciosa v. mint)(just that cool)
emeraldjewel_ (Physalis alkekengi)
Katalyst_Katana (oxalis triangularis)
pokemon_comix (Bellis perennis)
trashdove (Philodendron Tortum x Philodendron Wendlandii)
flurweight (Taraxacum officinale)
ScenerySkulls (Alocasia reginula)
Yinairs (Haworthia Bayeri)
Sighsen (Epipremnum aureum)
@velonovae (peniocereus greggii)
@skyrene (Anthurium punctatum)
Azeniq (Cortaderia selloana)
chords(Convallaria majalis)

> PA for Cloudwings
> PA for Hydroscales
> 2019 GA for Hoodwings
> September-october GA for Windscales
> october GA for Circewings
> GA for spearwings
> PA for althereans
> January GA for soleiwings
>  late January GA for sorawings 

> trashdove custom (CHECK DISCORD DMS)
> custom for gwen @splittinggourds
> ambivalent FB (CHECK DISCORD DMS)
> all those freaking zucculent comms you accepted . nice going bozo

x zucculent 150$ coupon my partner in crime. (single use)
x necapinx 20$ coupon. single use