Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:

My profile will contain mentions of mature subject such as murder, drugs, traumatic backstories and topics, etc.

There will be no type of sexual content due to the fact that I AM A MINOR. So please don’t make sexual shit of my characters or speak of them in a sexual manner, it makes me uncomfortable.

Do NOT enter if you are under the age of 13. I’m sorry but I just don’t feel comfortable interacting with those who are younger than me.

Do NOT enter if you support or have characters of the following:

Rapist, pedophiles, Your Boyfriend (this game absolutely fucking disgusts me), homophobic or transphobic, zoophile, ETC.

Do NOT enter if you have the intentions to bully or judge. Do NOT enter if you want to speak on politics or even bring politics to my page, I won’t discuss it. Do NOT bring religion to my page either, I don’t label what I believe but if I had to it would be a Atheist and I completely support others religions but I do not want religious things on my page. Most if not all of my characters are atheists exceptions being select few but that does NOT give permission to speak of such topics on my page.

You can offer on any of my characters! I don’t bite! My PMs are always open and I always love a new talk. That is all, thank you for coming to my Ted Tok.

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No thanks!