Ghostbiter's Profile Comments

Hello buddy nwn/

Sorry to bother but u asked for #6 and #8 from this batch:

I wanted to know if u are still interesed? :3

So sorry! Amino has kinda spazzed out, but I’m not interested anymore :(( apologies

Okayyy, tbh buddy I'm really thinking on putting u on the blacklist for my adopts pwp

I'm not sure if I'm gonna do it or not yet- but like only putting u there so u can't buy my designs, but only that, not like on a "not interact with anymore" list- but since u asked to buy them and then just saying that u are not interesed anymore it's a lil bit annoying-

Okay, no, I won't do it, tbh blacklist people isn't for me- but just have in mind that if u ever want to buy an design from me again, I'll take this into account pwp

Yeah no I understand!! Sorry about that! :)) 

Also sorry about that! I mean’t to message you sooner, I just wasn’t active, had a bunch of work and personal related stuff happen