Houndril Clan

A powerful clan within the empire, that was backing the emperor during the civil war...

Now, however, the Houndril clan are conspiring against the emperor in secret, for they have longed for ownership of the Imperial Capital for a very long time, causing uprisings within their neighboring clans' territories...

A large chunk of the families within this clan (and clans under their leadership) are the absolute poorest within the entire Empire, for their Clan Leader cares not for his people, but for his own wealth and power, resulting in many of these families being unable to afford food and basic clothing, unless they have a family member in the Houndril military, in these cases they receive a minor income (unless said family member is in the position of general or higher, in which case the family is one of the richest within the Houndril Clan)

Female Kemonomimi Imperial Clans female Long hair Needs art OC kemonomimi o0Oo0Oo0O District VIII Muzaori Clan Foodbased OC-Trade humanoid S Secret-Santa wishlist Sandree Clan Revealing Outfit CS Magical witch