Wooloram Clan

Wooloram is an old clan within the Empire, as well as one of the original twelve clans, they used to reside on a cluster of islands, but gained a large chunk of territory on the mainland mass after the civil war as reward from the Imperial Capital for their position of neutrality during it, they are also one of four shipwright clans within the Imperial Navy.

The Wooloram rarely (if ever) go into conflict with their neighbors, the only recent case was when the Fumeletti Clan went to the Wooloram Clan to beg for help in their wars, this resulted in the Wooloram Clan gaining more territory and the Fumeletti Clan becoming their vassal clan.

Female Kemonomimi Imperial Clans female Long hair Needs art OC kemonomimi o0Oo0Oo0O District VIII Muzaori Clan Foodbased OC-Trade humanoid Secret-Santa wishlist S Foxgirl r.i.p Sandree Clan Revealing Outfit