Glace_is_tired's Profile Comments

AYO it's me ricky this is just my BSD oc account >:3c


Oh! Thank you for subscribing <3. Hope you enjoy the random things you might see me post here in toyhouse

Can’t wait!

another end roll fan !!! :D

Heck yeah! I swear there’s like 5 of us XD

i have several friends and acquaintances who are into it but yeah the fandom for end roll is so small...a shame cuz it's such a good game

It’s my favorite indie game of all time tbh XD

omg i LOVE your pfp, is that a fanmade danganronpa sprite? its so good omgggggggg

Yes it is xD I’m glad you like it! It’s my sona

WNNDHSJDJ i love that sm i love seeing other peoples' dangansonas pss;ls;sps

She’s the ultimate tourist too and she’s part of a fangan I’m writing on Instagram XD

YOOOOOOO OMG i wanna read it! also that talent is so creative wow

I’ll dm you the account! I haven’t started posting the story but I need all the characters and stuff first as I’m working with an artist XD

1 Replies

whips and nae naes

Whips and nae naes

I have a ton of ocs and I need to organize them...