GlacierDog92's Bulletins

Mm (vent)

Posted 11 months, 25 days ago by GlacierDog92

Looking at Scratch and Toyhouse (Scratch especially) makes me so so sad because I want to return to the digital art community so bad. It's been nearly two years. But I have to finish this big project first and idk if I'll even have time to make any progress anytime soon with all the stuff going on in my life :(

Digital art school project update!

Posted 1 year, 1 month ago by GlacierDog92

How long have you been animating?

2 Votes I don't animate
0 Votes Less than a year
0 Votes 1 year
0 Votes 2 years
5 Votes 3 years
0 Votes 4 years
1 Votes 5+ years (whoa!)

I decided what I'm gonna do!! I'm remaking this

It is very nostalgic and it's almost 6 years old o_O I'm really excited

Hi! It's been awhile I hope everyone is doing well :]

So my final project for my digital art class is to just make anything I want. The only two parameters are: 1.) it must be at least partially created digitally and 2.) I have 2 weeks to finish it. That's it. I have no idea what to do, so do y'all have any suggestions for creative projects that can be realistically finished in 2 weeks?


Posted 1 year, 3 months ago by GlacierDog92

I will be 100% inactive due to Lent until April, in honor of the observance I'll be taking a much-needed break from all social media-adjacent sites. Just wanted to let y'all know I am okay because I posted a vent last night and I know some people might observe the worst if I disappeared unexpectedly after that ^^ I am okay, just going through some fun (/s) stuff mentally that has gone on for a while. Hopefully this time disconnected will help me. I appreciate all your kind comments very much, I don't feel like responding to each individually but I read them and it's good to know I am supported. Have a good month of March, and Lent if you observe it. Love y'all!! <3

I love feeling like God has abandoned me and there is no way out of this situation I've been in for months


Posted 1 year, 4 months ago by GlacierDog92

Why does everything keep getting more and more sad, worse and worse...I wish there was an end...if I'm rock-bottom sad now I can hardly imagine how bad it will be in a few weeks...


Posted 1 year, 4 months ago by GlacierDog92

What do you think?

3 Votes Sounds cool! Probably will check it out if it happens
1 Votes Neat! Maybe I'll check it out, maybe I won't, idk
0 Votes Meh
0 Votes That sounds like a terrible idea lmao
0 Votes I don't have Scratch

Okay so first and foremost this is not happening anytime soon, it's simply a silly hypothetical idea in my silly head for the far future (a year or a few from now)

I want to host something that's like a weekend-long convention 100% on Scratch, so basically a bazillion events in one weekend. Here are some things it will include:

  • Contests, raffles, Q+As, and discussion panels hosted by various Scratchers who apply
  • Art shops
  • Exhibition studios for games, art, and animation
  • A "radio station" where people can suggest songs to play at certain hours of the day during the weekend
  • Guests of honor? Maybe?
Ik it's super ambitious but I feel like it would be super fun to host in the future with a bunch of helpers, and fun for the Scratch community :) Opinions?

I love planning big things that might not even happen it's so fun

I chose Scooterbuskee's Advice Column :D Thanks everyone!

Now: Ask me questions for the column (not all will be used, I just need a bunch of ideas) What would you want terrible advice from a rat about?

Help me decide on a project! (important to me)

Posted 1 year, 4 months ago by GlacierDog92

Which zine idea is your favorite?

0 Votes Illustrating A Song
5 Votes Scooterbuskee's Advice Column
0 Votes Beast
3 Votes Drawings of cool places in my state
1 Votes Animal Skeletons
1 Votes Orangey
1 Votes Album Doodles

Hi I'm doing a little better :) And I need y'all's help!

For my digital art class we will be making zines (like little 6-page magazines about half the size of your hand). I have a few ideas I'm torn between, please vote on the one you like best! I might even post pictures of the zine when I finish :)

#1: Illustrating A Song
Exactly what it sounds like, I illustrate the lyrics of a song (not sure what song I would do but I have a few ideas)

#2: Scooterbuskee's Advice Column
I ask my followers on Instagram to submit advice questions and the zine will be Scooterbuskee's advice to them (he is a rat and his advice is comically bad)

#3: Beast
A story about a person who has a terrifying beast as a pet, but the beast only wants to serve its owner and do nice things for them despite being terrifying and capable of causing harm

#4: Drawings of cool places in my state
Exactly what it sounds like. I live in the coolest state in the US

#5: Animal Skeletons
Diagrams of the unique skeletons of various animals

#6: Orangey
The story of this cat that has lived on my street for like 20 years and is seemingly immortal. The story takes place in the far-distant future where he is the only living thing left on Earth and he still roams the remains of my street.

#7: Album Doodles
I listen to 6 albums (1 for each page) and doodle what comes to mind as I listen


Posted 1 year, 4 months ago by GlacierDog92

I feel so freaking dejected, please continue to pray for me and send good thoughts as the school week starts because school is stressful and idk how much I can take