
Everything is subject to change!°]

"welcome to y'all might be wondering where y'all are... You guys are kidnapped.."

Toybox is a personal project I'm working on it is based on some things that I love I plan this to be more action based with heavy character development So basically in this universe toys are alive and have different personalities to each other (even when their the same toy) and more than 8000 of them have been kidnapped for some sick experiment. Follow 4 of the main characters as they traverse this strange land in the hope that some day they can get back to their owners

Grounds: grounds can be used to indicate what side their are on.

Good ground: these are usually what good guys are on as toys on this ground usually want peace believing that if they worked together they would get out of this

Middle ground: this type of side usually have toys like anti heroes or people who just don't care this ground is usually morally questionable of the grounds as they believe that nothing is going to work so why not try these toys usually don't attack other often unless provoked

Bad ground: these grounds usually have villains as they believe that you need to kill in order to get out of here they usually are not to be trusted and what's makes Toybox truly dangerous


As it seems they're going to be here for awhile they need to hook up shops for what ever they need...

Good ground: Kandi Tavern

Middle ground: none yet

Bad ground: none yet


Object Osc Objectshow Nft Htf Objectshowcommunity Happy tree friends Sona Comfort Danganronpa nft nfo Kinsona Nfo Adopt Nfs Custom Forever homed Ota nfs