🦇 Bats Only 🦇

🦇 Bats Only 🦇

🦇 Bat/Wildlife Care & Health Donations + Info:  🦇

♦ Tolga Bat Hospital: https://tolgabathospital.org/ 
Copy pasted from Megabattie (Please Read):
"I don't take personal donations but Tolga Bat Hospital takes donations for me.  http://tolgabathospital.org
Mention Megabattie or Meg in the PayPal message box and the money will find its way to me. If no message box appears,
please email Jenny to tell her that the money is for me"

IMPORTANT:  "If you pay through the PayPal Giving Fund,
can  you please email Jenny with the amount donated and the name under which  you have donated, OR just forward along the PP receipt. 
The Giving Fund doesn’t charge any fees (so the bats get more money) but PP doesn’t itemize out the amount,
they just send a total every month, and we don’t know if the money is for Tolga or for Megabattie"

> Here is Jenny's email: [email protected]
♦ You can also donate to Batzilla's paypal: [email protected]
of course donations go to bat health/care and food, she is a professional bat carer.

♦ The Israeli Bat Sanctuary (Donation Links) 
Note: "Please mention the year (date) in your donation so we can keep track"  
> Monthly/Single donation via Paypal: https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=FK3W7TUAZQHU2 
> Monthly donation via credit card: https://secure.cardcom.solutions/e/xfmS 
> Single donation via credit card: https://secure.cardcom.solutions/e/xfmv

Info about bats of all kinds: 
> Watch Megabattie's videos, she is very educational and a professional with bats:
Please keep in mind some of her videos are graphic
but no worries she does put up a warning in the middle of the video!
I find the videos also in general entertaining to watch
and I love seeing the babies grow and be released back into the wild
> Watch Batzilla's Videos, she also has lovely videos of bats and is educational about bats

> *Covid and Bats
> Various Resource Links From Merlin Tuttle
> Donate to Merlin Tuttle's Bat Conservation
(adding more articles as I research)

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