GreaserMutt's Bulletins

Rider Redesign (APRIL FOOLS)

Posted 1 month, 2 days ago by GreaserMutt

After much extensive thought, I have decided to change Rider’s design for the betterment of the people and broaden his likability. 

According to this very legitimate diagram aimed for all gender, I realize that green is not a fitting color for him. It’s very ugly. 


Here’s the reveal you’ve all been waiting for 



drumroll please 










Purple is the worst color on earth so you better like it, you green haters. Hating him for being green. Wipe your ass with poison Ivy why don’t you. I hope you’re happy. 


Continuation of Character Offers

Posted 2 months, 12 days ago by GreaserMutt

On top of others, I’d like to emphasize these the very most. 

You may still absolutely comment on the other bulletin but I’d like to clarify these and put them on the spotlight more.

Probably not: Spiral, Bon Voyage 

Note: I have a drawing in progress for my favorite little guy Kyanite, if he gets a good offer I’ll finish it: (I enjoy the dimensions enough to note this sketch.) 

Probably not: Emcee, Mael

Note: Liberace has physical items I can’t mail for a very long time, I have an emotional attachment to him, but if someone is willing to buy him it would help.
Id ask to not keep the names Liberace nor Stravinsky, they are personal. 

Stand alone characters I’ll definitely just sell on their own:
 I bought this thing for $20

Alright *wipes sweat off forehead* that’s probably all for the moment, i always feel like throwing up a little while making these posts or even imagining myself separating from pretty much any of these beauts. Life is never kind, especially the owner of the testicle I came from, shits gonna be rougher than last year.
despite everything I refuse to ask for donations, but I appreciate all the support I’ve gotten in all sorts of my situations. 

Taaaking offers on everyone ($$$)

Posted 2 months, 12 days ago by GreaserMutt

It’s a forced thing, nothing for certain, I just want to see what kind of offers I’ll get.

I won’t be transparent yet about why, but 5/6 different things keep causing unwanted downsizing, mostly parents / bills. 

No one is exactly off limits, and I might not respond to anything just yet.
Edit: Ok, Off-Limits: Rider kids, a couple of them are very cute I know, but Rider will probably imprison me if I stole his babies. 

Give me YCH Ideas

Posted 2 months, 21 days ago by GreaserMutt

I need to come up with YCHs so I don’t sell all my characters 

I have some big emergency funding I have to plan out 

would be very cool 

King Rider Questions: ANSWERED!!

Posted 6 months, 24 days ago by GreaserMutt











we had to cut it here… 


I do thank you for asking the questions; I apologize I couldn’t get to everything I especially found interesting. I started this in a time of grief as a coping mechanism, as things get worse now, it was harder to pick up my pen… but I finally finished it! It helped out a lot! Hopefully he can answer more questions again. 


Posted 7 months, 8 days ago by GreaserMutt

I felt like doing this to help me get through some stuff, I’d be delighted to try this out! 

Ask any question, but not all will be answered, because I am drawing him giving answers!


hey cutie

Posted 8 months, 3 days ago by GreaserMutt

you should favorite rider’s children,,

I’ve spent hours drawing all of them multiple times I think they need attention because they’re actually one of the most important things in this toyhouse.

I stole this from stepswitcher because I never did the deviant art journals, this is my chance.

I’m not tagging but steal if you want 


1. Choose up to 3 characters

2. Make them answer the following questions.

3. Tag three people

4. No tag backs

Characters: Rider, Rose, Russell (fursona… me..?)

1.How old are you?

(1993) Rider: I am 41 years old !!

(1993) Rose: 38!

Russell: … I don’t know you.

2. whats ur height?

Rider: 7’4

Rose: 5’5!

Russell: I haven’t checked in years

4. r u virgin?

Rider: er… gee… golly! Aha.. well those kids of mine don’t just pop out of thin air..

Rose: :3

Russell: that’s not important.

5. whos ur sprose?

Rider: aaaah I love my wife, Rose, she’s the flower of my life!

Rose: My husband is a big silly doof named Rider :3

Russell: I am single and severely heartbroken (has a dart board with former partner Ristretto’s face taped on it)

6. whats ur favoutire flavour of ice cream?

Rider: mmm I could always go for mint chocolate chip, rocky road, and moose tracks.


Russell: cookies n cream

7. have u ever killed anyone?

Rider: absolutely not!

Rose:  giggle :3 (she hasn’t)

Russell: I would. I can’t though, unfortunately there’s a thing called “morals”

8. Do u hate anyone?

Rider: I am not a hater, but to be frank, there’s a notable person that would make me answer “yes” to the former question, if I wasn’t a good person.

Rose: Rider’s hair stylist

Russell: regarding that last question, i think I do.

9. do u love anyone?

Rider: I love everybody!! Especially my wife and my babies

Rose: I love my hubby and kiddies

Russell: I have a lot of love in my heart for people, but I especially love my friends and my family.

10. wats ur job?

Rider: well, moreover a inherited responsibility, I’m a King! There’s a whole range of jobs that come with that I have to take care of.

Rose: I’m a house wife :3

Russell: film director.

11. boy or girl

Rider: as in my type? I love gorls of course!

Rose: my husband

Russell: I like both genders

12. Whut do u do to relax?

Rider: nothing sounds better than a long, quiet night drive in my 1955 Fleetwood Caddy, with my beautiful wife in the passenger seat, with no destination in mind.

Rose: I love to read long romantic books in my big comfy bed, or the palace library! A bubble bath with candles, fruit, and champagne sound amazing too :3

Russell: kickin my feet back on the sofa and watching TV mindlessly

13. what do u think whould descibe urself?

Rider: I would like to think I am very loving and comforting to my peers! I stand tall for my country and my morals, and I’m not afraid to back down my word. I think I’m quite admirable in that aspect.

Rose: I’m very tender and calm! Being a mother has really helped me grow that side of me :3 although I can be pretty shy

Russell: I am unsure of my role, I just try to be the best me. I think I’m flexible, loud, and kind-hearted though. I know I can be a hot-head, but, I’m working on it.

14. any hidden talents?

Rider: I can sing very well !! I am capable of hitting very high notes, like an angelic soprano.

Rose: I can knit !! I love making sweaters, sometimes I pass time with painting too, I’m not the best though :3

Russell: I can play pool well in the times I’ve played, but there’s definitely a common-folk who can destroy me, I just think everyone I played with sucks ass at it.

15. whut do u thnik of ur creator?

Rider: God? I love him! I go to church every Sunday!

Rose: what my hubby said!

Russell: aha.. they don’t quite know who I am.

16. what colour is ur hair(fur)?

Human Rider: Black!

Furry Rider: Green, Tan, and my luxurious hair / mane is Black!

Human Rose: I’m a Ginger!

Furry Rose: I have an orange base fur color with peachy tan undertones! I’m covered in pink freckles / spots!

Russell: black and white.

Thanks for reading