Green_Zombie's Profile Comments

Hi, Hey! I'm Zombie/Z and I'm a traditional/Digital artist ! 

Feel free to message me or comment with any questions!

Here are some conditions and terms for commenting or looking through designs on my page:

~Extremely vulgar language is not allowed. 

~Bullying and direct negativity is not permitted. This includes but is not limited to racism, sexism, demeaning designs, etc.

~ Any designs in my "OCs" folder are character designs I own and am not willing to trade/sell. For possible available designs, check my "other designs" or "for sale" folder. 

~Any designs in the for sale folder labeled "[sold]" can no longer be offered for. 

~Please don't use any designs on my page for any work without permission (unless you have purchased the design). 

Thank you for reading these terms! Not all of these designs are created by me, so be sure to check out the work of anyone you happen to see in my design folders!