Lennon Cave

Lennon cave is a cave right at the base of Mt. Xersez that contains the remnants of ancient glowing megafauna. Due to its scientific significance is often barred off and only opened for select scientists to study and visit. It is also a site of cultural significance for The Quetzin who used the cave as a place of meditation when they first settled their town on the mountain.

Interestingly, this is also the ancestral home of the Sugarbeasts, who still reside in the farther reaches of the cave. The Quetzin and Sugarbeasts were sworn enemies for most of history due to them trying to take over the cave when they settled in the area, so they are generally thought to be completely extinct.

A select few scientists tasked with area survey are privy to their existence, but are under oath not to say a word to any outside force. All Sugarbeasts posess the ability to shapeshift for short periods of time so some are tasked with leaving the cave for certain resources.