


Desert climate - Ghost town - Conspiracies?

The Afterglow headworld takes place in a New Mexico inspired area. Most of the residents reside in small towns scattered across the dramatic landscape or on the roads that connect them. Frequent unexplained events fly over the heads of some and become the obsession of others. 


The desert area once had multiple places with a booming tourist industry because of an "extraterrestrial" visiting - cue the building of tons of tacky alien themed restaurants, theme parks, merch shops, museums, you name it. Then, cue the government shutting down the conspiracy. The tourist rush this was short lived. Now, the area is scattered with nearly abandoned towns, empty malls and parks, and one small university with a rather unfortunate location for students looking for towns with any sort of "nightlife". 


The characters in this setting all spend a lot of time alone, and generally, most people in a town get to know each other / everyone who passes through, since populations are so small. Being online is popular with younger people seeking a social connection beyond their immediate neighbors. Most leave the area when they can, seeking better things for their lives than living in a ghost town. Some, however, are drawn to the area- or perhaps the conspiracies that plague it. It's popular among urban explorers as well, due to all the abandoned buildings. 

plot / focus

As this is just a headworld with no intentions of being made into a comic or anything, most plotlines are "misadventure" type ideas- following the adventures and lives of each of the characters in this world. 


creatures nft nfs