Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:

#1_Don't steal shit.

#2_Don't be a dick.

#3_If you have any questions feel free to ask.

My content may include sex, drugs, violence, Gore, Nudity, Dark humor, War, And a lot more, please keep in mind every art is unique to its character, so just because my character is doing something, does not mean I would.  I specialize in character development, if you can not handle the fact that some of my OCS are "bad guys" or "Enimie furs" or straight-up inappropriate/Rude/Racist/Sexist/Homophobic etc... then do not interact.

Again, just because my character does it, does not mean I do/would.

They are how they are and if that offends you I apologize, but I am not changing the personalities of my characters, they are developed to be the way they are for a reason.

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