Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:

some of my characters have css. i don't use any themes or templates that aren't mobile friendly.

i use written-out tone indicators. if you are seriously upset by me clarifying my intended tone, that's not my problem :)

i dont tag for:

  • nipples; toyhouse DOES NOT require them and i will not add them.
  • fat people, curvy people, busty people, people wearing skimpy clothing (unless it's tight/transparent enough to see what's underneath), people with disabilities/unusual physical conditions, people that you can walk in public and see
  • mild blood such as nosebleeds
  • bright colors
  • swearing

dni if you don't like cats, draw lugia thin, won't parent your children in public, wax your eyebrows, have a bigger dick than mine (you just have to guess), or have the same name as me /joking

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