League of Assassins

Assassian league run by Yoriko the Kitsune. 


Yoriko: Leader of assassains, Rivals Spade's mercenary group


Shieko: First recruit, has a love for power and money, might be the leaders daughter, proficient in archery, likes to use dirty tactics. 

Donnovan: Final recruit, whole village was wiped out, taken in as a slave until saved by the league, joins on behalf of getting revenge, in love with Eden, mostly fights with knives and daggers

Mei: Third recruit, killed father at young age and became emperor's personal guard, ran away after being taken advantage of by emperor's son, proficient in martial arts and hand to hand combat, rarely fights with weapons, harbors feelings for Donnovan

Miku: Second recruit, joined after being abandoned by the dragons, has a demonic side due to possession as a child, proficient with bo-staff and sai


Thorin: Temporary member, child of Luna and Elixir, banished from Mystic Realm

Edin Lin: Donnovan's childhood friend, offered her body as a vessel in order to heal his sickness, has the ability to heal

Samhain Laigh: Dark mage, temporarilly under protection of league for short time, protective of Eden, has one sided rivalry with Donnovan