Eden Lin and Lazarus



6 years, 7 days ago


Name: Eden
Red panda
January 1st
45.5 kg
5ft 1in
Relationship status: 

Personality: Eden has a sweet but stubborn personality.  Super gullible and willing to help just about anyone.  She is also easily frightened but will still act to help despite the feeling.
Added details: 
Eden has a huge love for apples and anything apple.

Eden has a demon spirit within her named Lazarus.  Lazarus has the opportunity to completely take over Eden's body only with her permission.  At this point Eden's eyes would be pure white and glowing with yellow aura around her she would be able to cause things around her to levitate and fire golden beams.  This can't last too long as she will become exhausted and faint after use.  In this form her nor Lazarus can speak openly just in their mind to one another.

Eden was born in a typical town, an orphan.  She made friends with Donnovan and the two became very close.  She once learns about Donnovan's sickness and learns it's life threatening and a cure hasn't been found for it yet.  Being desperate she learns about a spirit of healing and seeks out to find it, not knowing the healing comes with a price.  The spirit is actually a demon, looking for a host as his time was running out.  The two made a deal with one another.  Eden will offer her body as a host to the demon so it can continue to live on within her and in turn Eden gains it's powers, including healing.  The deal is made and Eden hurries back to heal Donnovan, not letting him know what she did.  Later she learns Donnovan is no longer in town, this scars her deep, not knowing if he ranaway or something even worse.  As this dwells in her mind she tries to live on but once word gets out about her having a demon within her she was ran out of many towns as people find her as a threat.  Lazarus does have a hard time retaining his powers and temper but soon learns for his own sake he must keep his actions down low for him to survive since if Eden dies it is over for him as well.  The two venture from town to town trying to start life anew.  Eden tries her best to keep Lazarus hidden in fear of not being accepted or even a target to be killed.

Powers/Abilities: Eden has the powers thanks to Lazarus.  Lazarus grants her the power to heal others, a strong sense of smell and remembering of scents.

When Lazarus takes control of Eden's body Eden gains the power to levitate her and objects/ individuals around her as well as fire beams of light.  On the other hand Eden can not speak in this form nor can Lazarus.

Relationship with: 
Lazarus- Eden has a neutral relationship with Lazarus at first not really putting things on Lazarus even when he shows out of gives himself away causing her to be ran out of town after town.  Lazarus didn't care for her at all at first and just himself.  She sometimes treats the demon like a child.  Over time these two start to share emotions with one another and care for each other.  Lazarus starts to be protective of Eden out of better intentions rather than selfish ones.

Donnovan- Eden's childhood friend.  She loved spending time with him during their younger years and learning about his sickness broke her.  She was glad to be able to heal him and regrets nothing being able to do so.  She hopes to see him again one day.