Mythic Realm

Tired of being hunted, captured, and killed off due to the greed of mortals, the mythical creatures left Ervan and discovered a realm of their own. Here they may live in peace without most worries, but the fear for their safety still lingers. Those who decided not to travel the Mystic realm are still hunted on land. To lessen the number of casualties, dragons were assigned a respective kingdom to watch in preperation for an onslaught. The creatures can return at any time but the dragon must stay until a suitable replacement is found. 

Main Inhabitants: Dragons, Mermaids, and other Mythical Beasts


Adam: Elemental dragon that rules over the element of earth, looks menacing but is pretty much a teddy bear, largest of the elementals, previous love interest was Eve

Ghiselle: Elemental dragon that rules over the element of air, very posh and snobbish, took over the position after sister retired, blames Miku for her sister wanting to retire, has conflicting feelings for Luna

Ryuu: Elemental dragon that rules over the element of water, very cocky and flirtatious, thinks he's smooth but is actually not, is strong and dedicated to job but is normally lazy, ex-boyfriend to Ambra, has love/hate relationship with fellow elemental dragon Ignitus

Ignitus: The youngest of the elemental dragons, took over from late father, was only a teenager when he took the posistion, controls the element of fire, has love/hate relationship with fellow elemental dragon Ryuu, sees Adam as father figure

DaVinci: Current elemental is training, will travel down to Ervan and be guardian of ???, currently watches of Adam and Eve's egg

Rei: Younger sister to DaVinci

Elder: Ruler of the Dragons, fought to find a place where all mythical beings could be safe, father of Eve


???: Ruler of the Mermaids

Mythical Beasts:


Former Inhabitants:

Luna: TBA

Aumora: Former Lead Elemental for the element of air, older sister to Ghiselle, adopted Miku as a child, shortly retired after having to abandon Miku, currently resides in Caleum.

Miku: Adopted daughter of Amoura, lived in the realm after the massacre of her village, was eventually left back on Ervan, one of the few mortals who is actively welcome to the Mythic Realm. 

Thorin: TBA

Ambra: TBA

Juliette: TBA

Eve (Deceased): Daughter of the Elder, previous earth elemental, fell in love with Adam and had a child, killed during the conflict to overthrow the elder, has an area dedicated specifically for her, voice can still be heard in the woods