Happy-Nyan's Bulletins

Open for offers

Posted 1 year, 4 months ago by Happy-Nyan

Hey guys~ owo/

I'm now open for mixed offers for the characters that are on sale~

but please keep in mind that I prefer money over anything else, other than money you can offer art, but I'm really picky when it comes to art 

and since I still need money, the offer has to contain at least 50% of the price I tagged the characters for


have a nice day~

Hi guys~

I seriously need help.... because of the inflation and the fact that I'm only getting money at the beginning of december and january and after that I won't get any money anymore...

that's because (some of you probably already know) I got a baby in january this year, and here in germany you can take a parental leave for up to 3 years, but only get money for one year (60% of your average monthly salary before the leave)

and I took a parental leave for two years because I didn't know when my little girl would be able to go into a daycare.... but I know that by now, so I'm gonna be able to go working again in the middle of february or the beginning of march

and yes you can shorten your parental leave if your employer agrees to it....

so I'm not getting any money for at least one month, and the last two months ended with my bank account having pretty much no money left anymore, so yeah I guess no christmas presents this year 

I also need to mention that we're going to marry next summer and we also still have left a lot to do at our house (new staircase, new doors for example)

so I'm really in need of money right now, that's why I'm selling lots of my characters.... you can find it here https://toyhou.se/Happy-Nyan/characters/folder:3575506

I'm also giving discounts if you buy certain characters you can get up to 50% off of specific characters, there characters you can get for free too!

So I would really appriciate if you would take a look at the characters that are for sale, and if you're not able to buy one, to share this, that would really really help me out

thanks for reading! I hope everyone stays safe and healthy and doesn't have such a hard time right now


Character Resell

Posted 1 year, 8 months ago by Happy-Nyan

Hello Guys~

I'm in a need of money and I have to resell a bunch of my beloved characters, unfortunately ; A ;

So I would really appriciate it if you could take a look https://toyhou.se/Happy-Nyan/characters/folder:3575506

and it would really help me out, if you could share this too

thanks for reading! <33