
These are characters I've made but aren't particularly attached to.

I use bases as a way to flesh out ideas for a colour pallet and designs I have in mind. I also use them as a way to relax just but focusing on colouring and not stressing myself on lineart. Any base I use is always credited to the OP and I try to follow the rules of their bases as best to my abilities. To my knowledge at the time of making these characters they were all free for use of adoptable's. However rules can always change and if pointed out to me I will take them down out of respect. Also be warned that some of these bases are old and may not exist anymore if you search for them. There is only one base on here that remains uncredited because I forgot to add them in the notes and I can no longer find the OP if you find the artist I would love to credit them. All of these bases were labelled F2U at the time of using them.

The only adopts with a specified gender are the Pink Tone and Water Tone because the creator of the bases specified the genders.

All of these are not my artworks, I only did the colour and designs. All base creators are linked to their respective base so please go check them out. (Some might have info on the species)

anthro black furry blue white purple red yellow dog pink green boku no hero academia grey gray monster fur oc my hero academia claws brown