Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:

Hello fellow traveller,

welcome to my humble haven

If you see this after clicking a character, they have a specific warning!

General rules

MOST profiles are best viewed on a laptop/computer but I'm in the process of switching them to my mobile friendly code.

Do NOT interact with me if you're queerphobic, have issues with furries, or are into any type of fettish,

Do NOT trace or reference my work (this includes my characters, designs, art, or worlds' info/styles/dynamics),

All characters without the "NFS" or "NFS-T" tag are always open for offers,

Dreamie folders are OK!

Feel free to draw gift art of my characters! I'll always return the gesture,

This will be updated as things progress with time.


I currently will not censor possibly triggering words, you have been warned. If you find issue in this, you have a choice to continue at your own risk or leave. I'm not here to make you do anything.

The real world has scumbags, sweethearts, rich, poor, violence, restoration, and everything in-between. My worlds incorporate some topics from our reality, but I only mention sexual endevours & NSFW but do not draw it nor wish it to be drawn.

Although my worlds are distopias for the most part, I do not condone all actions that take place within them.

Some characters self-harm or cause others' injuries intentionally,

Some characters are abusers and/or harrass others for pleasure,

This will be updated as things progress with time.

Please note your consent will be stored in cookies until your session is closed.

No thanks!