HeathenDove's Bulletins

25% Off Flat rate commissions!

Posted 2 months, 27 days ago by HeathenDove

Hey everyone! I'm holding a sale! 25 Percent off of any kind of flat rate commission! Prices can be found here: https://charmedart.uwu.ai/#prices DM Me to place an order!


Posted 1 year, 7 days ago by HeathenDove



If you would like to order, please fill out and submit this form and tell me in stream when you have sent it:

You do not have to ask before you submit this form, I will be going through the forms one by one in order of submission from first to last.

If I do not get to your commission by the time the stream is over, you will have to re-submit the form in the next stream that you come to.

You will no longer be able to get more time as soon as yours is up unless you are the only one wanting to order in the stream, this will give more people the opportunity to get at least some work done in one stream period. You will still be able to order more time on your commission in the next stream you come to, so no worries.

Here's what you will get price-wise.

8.75 USD will get you 15 Minutes of work
17.50 USD will get you 30 Minutes of work
26.25 USD will get you 45 Minutes of work
35 USD will get you 1 Hour of work
Etc. You may order more than one hour.

If you'd like to see the beans and their art, please feel free to request authorization via comment here or message! ^^ <3

I guess it's not that cool, but I'm pretty hyped about it.

I have always struggled with character sales because I have never gotten notifications when someone comments on my characters, so I have to check the characters themselves daily to see if there are any new comments. Well apparently there's a setting for that! Did you guys know about it?

If you go to settings, it's under Account > Interactions and Alerts and there's a box on the right that looks like this:


The options are:

Do not allow
Allow without notifications
Allow with notifications

For me, by default all the notifications were turned on pretty much, except character comments.

IDK I just thought it was super cool and it could be helpful to others who didn't know about it like I didn't.

I hope you guys have a great weekend!


I hate seeing the same few people over and over stating that they're "selling all of their characters and leaving the fandom" but they never really leave.

I'm not sure why it frustrates me so much but it does, and it's not that I want anyone to leave, it's just that saying it over and over again only to stay, only to have characters you're supposedly getting rid of not actually up for sale feels dramatic, and like you're grabbing for attention over and over and over again and it feels gross.

The first time or two I'm sitting here like "oh no I'm so sorry, is there anything I can do to help" but after the 3rd time I become synnical about it as much as I hate that about myself.

Seeing others comment feeling bad for these people "leaving the fandom" and offering kind words because they don't realize this happens every couple weeks just makes it more annoying to me because you're deceiving people into giving kind words or trying to make you stay when in reality you have no intention of actually leaving.

I just don't like the attention seeking I guess.

Update/Commissions Open!

Posted 1 year, 4 months ago by HeathenDove

Hey guys, it's been a while!

For those of you who don't know, my family and I have moved to Michigan. The original plan was Maine but things changed halfway through the trip and we decided to settle down here. This has been a pretty big struggle for me because we basically uprooted everything that we have known all of our lives in order to move to the opposite coast so that I could still visit the ocean, but we didn't even end up getting there. We came with basically nothing, because we got rid of all of our furniture and things in order to make the move less expensive, and it's been difficult to build back up, but we've finally gotten to the point where we have what we need. I've been having a really hard time lately with my mental health and it has thrown me completely off track with getting stream time in and getting commissions done. I've been working on myself though, I got a doctor's appointment and have gotten back on track with some new medications to help me cope with everything that has been going on. Thankfully my husband was able to get a job here fairly quickly, it was much easier out here than in California, at least where we were living in Cali. He has been supporting us the best he can but unfortunately, he can't do it alone, and because of my own mental health the past several months, along with the struggle most artists are going through with getting business, I've not been much help supplementing with my art. I'm finally feeling better and more motivated for work, and I want to work to get us out of this hole we're currently in as because of my struggle, we've gotten pretty behind on some bills (Currently behind about 1000 dollars). I'm not asking for donations or anything like that, but I want everyone to know that I am open fully open for commissions. I will try starting to stream more in the evenings, but during the day it's hard to work on a timer because I'm taking care of our kids full-time while my husband is at work and I have to pause a lot to take care of them. It would be amazing if I could get some flat rate commissions incoming so that I could work on them throughout the day while my husband is at work, and then stream in the evenings where I can after he gets home. I am currently taking payments for commissions through Zelle, and if you'd like a commission, shoot me a note to let me know what you're looking to get and I can give you a flat rate quote! Anyone who has been around for a while knows that I am really good about getting commissions done in a timely manner, usually within a week or so, it's why I'm a trusted artist!

More examples of my work can be found here: https://www.furaffinity.net/gallery/magic/

If you're interested in a commission, shoot me a note with the following:

Type of Commission: (Headshot, Portrait, Bust, Thigh Up, Full Body, Reference Sheet)

Style of Commission: (Normal, Chibi, Bean Chib, Toony)

Character Type: (Anthro, Feral, Humanoid, Taur)

Background Details: (Transparent, Single color/Gradient, Nature, City - Please provide refs o a description of what you'd like the background to look like.)

Character References: (Any refs I may need to draw your character accurately.)

Description of the Image: (Pose, prompt, any ideas you may have of what you would like your finished product to look like. Please provide references!)

Thanks guys for reading, and I hope that everyone is doing well!
