Baka no Machi

馬鹿の街 (Baka no Machi), otherwise and literally translated to as the City of Idiots in English, is a somewhat Japanese-oriented and futuristic city sitting on a lone island named ゴミ島 (Trash Island) in the middle of a perpetually foggy sea.

In the chaos that is their society, the culture of the inhabitants in Baka no Machi is mostly composed of a blend of lolita and/or punk rock aesthetics. Lots of slang and ghetto places also get featured in most of the districts. Their populace consist of banished and monstrous kemonomimis and/or other humanoids, whether they're demons, dark angels, or whatever else.

Regardless, all of them are not human, not wanted in the public eye, and come from some form of supernatural origins. They're considered a minority in this world where humanity is the dominant and more normalized species.

The mayor of Baka no Machi, in the meanwhile, is a mysterious and cool naga by the name of Imani Snatch. She was the first person in existence to successfully prove her dominance and establish order throughout all of the city and would even go on to forge boundaries for distinct districts.

Lastly, beyond the misty borders of Baka no Machi, there exists more rural areas brimming with harsh and unruly swamp vegetation. At night, it's even rumored that all of the plants, such as murky vines and massive trees with claw-like branches, come to life to torment anyone that dares to inflict harm upon them.

For more details about this world's lore, read here.