
Satisfied is a story about a powerful and destructive manchild named Geir who gets bored and wants to change because he's not satisfied with who he is anymore. For once in his life, he wants to be able to do something different other than causing mischief and mayhem. Sure, he's naturally got a playful and naughty personality to begin with, but he wants more nowadays.

Meet Ivar, a butterfly humanoid who's been trying to stop Geir from his chaotic tendencies for literal centuries. Though Geir and Ivar have often been at odds with each other as long-term enemies for ages, through time, they will grow to learn from each other for both the better and worse.

Together, they will be thrown into a crazy situation that requires the both of them to unite and cooperate with one another for a common goal.

Because one day, a fallen angel by the name of Yazid manages to wreck and then control the world that he came from out of spite. And he's been able to achieve such a horrifying feat by creating a living weapon; specifically, a man-made and artificial creature from both the DNA strands of Ivar and Geir.

Ivar is determined to stop Yazid once and for all while Geir is creeped out by the fact that there's technically a child with his blood out there, somewhere in the universe. Eventually, Ivar and Geir, after reluctantly working together, manage to get a hold of Yazid's living creation before he could continue to use them for his malicious bidding. However, now that leaves Geir and Ivar stuck with someone that's a combination of their genes.

They literally have to learn how to take care of this child that's biologically theirs. They're forced to become enemies-turned-to-parents and that's how the rest of the story unfolds, with weird shenanigans and even weirder moments of domesticity.

And the strangest part of all this is the genuine intimacy and romance that'll actually develop between Geir and Ivar as they both learn to care for their kid and each other.