Rocky's World

Once upon a time, long, long ago, there weren't that many Gods and Goddesses roaming around in the universe. There were only two higher Gods in charge of everything, and they went by the names Yin (God of Darkness) and Yang (God of Light). A social hierachy amongst the rest of the Gods was shortly established after that. It was listed in the following order: high Gods (like Ying and Yang), the Gods, archangels, and lastly angels - with the angels being made to serve the Gods.

The higher Gods, Yin and Yang, were the ones to create the rest of the Gods and Goddesses that exist. Meanwhile, all Gods and Goddesses were capable of making archangels and angels.

Centuries ago, while all of this was happening, all these Gods used to host meetings in order to establish peace amongst themselves and shut down any competitive behavior and unnecessary blood feuds. However, this did not last long.

One day, a God that was on Yin's side had committed an astrocity. They had destroyed a planet that belonged to a God from Yang's side and replaced it with their own.

This incident violated a certain rule that they had set up in the past. They had previously promised to not inerfere with creations made by others.

However, because of this incident, sides were picked and battles began to break out. Conflicts grew and tensions rose. The war that raged on was absolutely brutal. Blood was split and organs were gouged, ripped out, and strewn about everywhere. All sorts of weapons and powers and magic had been used.

After finding out about this foolish war, Yin and Yang had no choice but to resort to an extreme measure. They launched a powerful explosion, which wiped out most of the Gods and Goddesses in the universe. The surviving Gods and Goddesses that were left are still here to this day.

Yin and Yang have long passed since then. And though they are no longer there to make any more Gods, the Gods and Goddesses that have survived their colossal explosion are still capable of making new god-like figures known as deities, which are different from archangels and angels.

Deities can age and grow, since the Gods that make them usually have to physically give birth to them, and can refer to their Gods as parent figures. In the meanwhile, arcangels and angels typically have a more professional and formal relationship wtih their Gods.

There are also demons that exist in this story universe from a hellish area. Some of these demons are superior enough to be considered their own Gods, though they're usually referred to as Lords instead, to make a more unique name for themselves. These Lords will usually also have servants known as Leige or Minions. Leiges are basically the demon equivalent of a deity while minions aren't considered to be demons in the first place, they're just servants.

All of these demons live in a place called the Moshpit (otherwise known as the Crater by the Gods). The Moshpit will mostly consist of casinos and bars. There's a few small shops and cafes here and there, but the most you'll probably get is stuff like tentacles in your food order.

Demons typically don't bode well with Gods, despite most of the demons being chill since they don't really have that many responsibilities to carry out.

These characters live in a shared universe made by Irockyrebel.