

Takes place on Earth in a fantasy 90s. (Like how a 90s cartoon would portray a fantasy setting like this). Aliens travel via magic portals to access different worlds. This is where fantasy creatures such as dragons, fairies, mermaids, etc come from. Earth is reimagined so all countries and human races are fantasy/made up.

Biggest inspirations for this story/universe is Samurai Jack, The original three Spyro games, and Lilo and Stitch.

Main story:

- Story revolves around Necopia, a space pirate undercover on Earth with her adopted daughter, Blaukri. After meeting Thera and Rouge, Necopia and Thera must meet up so their daughters, who are biological twins, can interact despite the two moms not always seeing eye to eye. The characters live in the country called Mystinsula, Mystinsula is famous for its city, Reperio which holds a lot of "advanced" technology and celebrities. Necopia lives in Star Haven (A town of rich folks) and Thera lives in Jubilant town (a small flower themed town) while Reperio city is between the two so they moms often meet up there. They like to meet up at a café but they also like to meet up at the famous park in Reperio City (and various other places convenient for them)  

In her personal life, Necopia lives with Blaukri, with Lortoom and Ikrom being her roomates. She is rivals with Thera and the two often compete to try and be better than the other. Necopia likes to cause pranks, tease people and generally cause trouble for everyone around her, so people either love or hate her. Not ever gets or likes the tease-y humor! She is also causing shenanigans with Lortoom, or Duliya. Sometimes Necopia has a "girl squad" with Thera and Duliya

Once her pirate uniform is on, Necopia becomes Arkane, and she presents herself as a completely different person. She makes herself look like a different species and even behaves differently. She becomes more serious and dark, and destructive (Think of Batman somewhat) but she still drops a few hints of her self with subtle flirty gestures to taunt her enemies. Although she presents herself as threatening, she has a robin hood motive!  Most people believe she's a robot but those who are observant can see she isn't. One day on Earth, Necopia decides to become Arkane and gets seen by civilians, making her first sighting on earth after living there for five years. Arkane finds her self running into the city's bounty hunters while she tries to steal from wealthy people. One night she steals something that corrupt people in power want...

This story is geared more toward adults