HoneyFoxCafe's Profile Comments

How much do you want for something like this? Is there a price?

yes! they are on sale for this month for $10!

This user's account has been closed.

i currently cant handle trades at this time >.

This user's account has been closed.

np! and tysm! <3

hi I was wondering if you'd like to join our closed species world! None are pay to own and you may remain in the group even if you have an oc that looks similar, Be the first to join and you'll be able to win limited time add ons and traits: 

We have Astrials:


Our main closed species in this small story! Wish granting creatures made from stardust, credits to Evelyn 

They come in different shapes and sizes and if you're lucky you may win passes that allows you to create uncharted traits with no limitations!


None of the art shown belongs to me but if you'd like to join the discord server feel free to respond 

We also have a current DTA event going on for a Nirrak


[Credits to zRunt] and so many other events that are occurring. Respond if you'd like to join our communities discord server

sure, ide love to!

Thank you for the consideration!


do you do art/design trades? i love your art/designs so much--

maybe? i am a little backed up atm tho. so it would have to be small or will have a bit of a wait time ^^;

im fine with waiting! would you like to continue this conversation over discord?

Sure! My user is Honey#6707

sent you a friend req!