HyenaDragons's Bulletins

gonna have an update every 10 days now i decided :3 ANYWAY TY TO SATURN AND HIS 2 PAGES OF COMMENTS RAAAAAH🔥🔥🔥🔥IMG_2936.jpeg

holy heCK im rubbing my hands together like a fly this is all so working well...

notifications update part 3

Posted 1 month, 10 days ago by HyenaDragons


fire emoji fire emoji fire emoji fire emoji fire emoji 

notifications updateeeeee

Posted 1 month, 21 days ago by HyenaDragons


wheeewwwhwhwhwhhwhw... because my laptop is dead i cannot create a seperate google account short cut for easy access into this okay it's hard to explain but it is difficult having to log in every time </3 (i am lazy okay 🎉)

i use incognito so i don't have to log out of main mwehe :3 BUUUT . this is what i have so far and i aim for even more :3 🔥

notifications updates :33

Posted 1 month, 30 days ago by HyenaDragons

i think ima do update for how many notifications i have atm every now and then perhaps mwehe 


it updates a lot. mainly just the star updates every minute ishhhh lol!! but so far so good :DD i've had this idea for a whiel just settinh it into place rnÂ